Life is the name of energy, activeness, and happiness, When we see all these together we call it life in a complete sense. Unfortunately, most people are losing their lives in this regard. They have lived in just breathe taking but if we talk about the energy, activeness they lost it or losing it with the passing of days.

If we define Sports, According to the dictionary definition, it is an activity that involves physical exertion or skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment, achievement, prizes, and appreciation. So, if we go through this definition we see life has some deep connection with sports. Sports give us life in the sense of health, appreciation, self-control, and much more.

Let's discuss some major points which lead to the phrase ‘SPORTS GIVE’


Sports and Mental Health

Sports have a deep connection with mental health. Mental health is as important as physical health because this leads to many physical issues and disabilities. So, for keeping our physical health excellent we have to keep our minds healthy, active, and full of positivity. Sports give a better chance to gain all kinds of positivity in mind. Sports involve the mind in-game so deep that it can't think any other thing at that time, the only thing which dominated the mind at that time is, how to play well? How to defend? And how to achieve it? A mind so deeply and sharply starts to find the ways to these questions that it becomes impossible for any other negativity to enter. So in this activity, minds get free from all kinds of dullness, stupidity, and negativity.  Sports make our mood good which is the main point in everyday life .our good mood leads to a good attitude towards everyone and this is overlooked in all other workouts of the day.  Here are some of the major effects of sports on the mind

  • ·         Sports make your mood good
  • ·         Create flexibility in behavior
  • ·         Reduce stress and depression
  • ·         Divert attention positively
  • ·         Improve concentration
  • ·         Improves sleep quality.
  • ·         Sport boosts self-confidence
  •          Build leadership quality.
    Sports and Physical Health

Life is a very valuable gift of God and in the age in which we are living is not easy in any sense, especially in health care

 To live a full, happy, and contented life one must be physically strong. A very well-known saying "Health is Wealth" it's a golden saying because physical health is more precious than gold and diamonds and all the wealth of the world. We can see beauty in each and everything only when we are in good mood to appreciate and this good mood depends on good health. In COVID-19 most problems which were seen in people of all ages were just because they were unable to go outside to play, to enjoy themselves. They have to sit within a house for months this arose many issues in people, especially children's mental and physical. Health... Like a machine-human body also need different services and in this regard, no service is better than Sports. We have to do different kinds of exercises to keep ourselves fit and maintain our body shape. Some do Yoga and different kinds of exercises but it's a sport that takes the place of all types of exercises. If we do sports we do not need to do any kind of exercise to keep ourselves fit and to maintain our body shape or beauty. We can say that sports dominated all the exercises.

Sport has some major effects on general health

  • ·         It helps and controls the following
  • ·         Weight loss and Control
  • ·         helps to Lower Hypertension
  • ·         Helps to lower Cholesterol Levels
  • ·         makes Better Blood Circulation
  • ·         built Stronger immunity
  • ·         Gives Muscle training.
  • ·         Stronger bones
                                                   A stronger mind leads to the happiest life.



Being a sportsman you automatically gain all these qualities. Sports bring all constructive, optimistic, and favorable characteristics which lead to a successful life. Nowadays people are facing a lot of health problems but an athlete is considered the luckiest person because due to his daily sports activity he overcomes many diseases like high blood pressure, heart, cholesterol, sugar, and hypertension problems. Muscle stress is nowadays a common problem but daily sports activities keep a person away from all these kinds of issues

Cycling is very effective in health care; it keeps muscles active and flexible.

Good health also needs a good and healthy diet and for taking adequate and proper nutrition one must have a good appetite that is another good and positive point of sports that it reduces appetite issues and keeps the stomach in good condition


 .Sports  give life


In nutshell, we can say a sport is the key to a healthy, Wealthy, happy, and successful life. Life without sports is just like paralysis, stiff and dull. To live a happy life give time to sports and entertainment otherwise your life will be no more than a patient's.