In The Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful
A message of truth
The teaching about which Hazrat Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, the last of the Prophets (peace be upon him and his companions) (Translation: Hazrat Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and the last prophet and messenger of Allah, upon you (peace be upon him) and upon you) (may peace and blessings be upon his family and companions) was sent, its name was "Islam". Islam means surrendering yourself to God and bowing your neck to His command
Those who accepted this Islam were called Muslims. That is, one who obeys God's order, one who follows it, and now we call him a Muslim in our language. The first commandment of Islam was that Allah is One. There is no partner or associate in His Godhead. From the earth to the sky is the kingdom of the same one. The sun rises and sets at his command. Asan is subject to His command and the earth is bound by His instructions. Plants, flowers, trees, grains are all grown by Him. Rivers, mountains, forests, all are made by him. He has no children, no wife, no father. Neither is his spouse or counterpart. It is He who gives and removes all sorrow and grief. All the best
And only He gives blessings, He can take them away.
The name of this faith of Islam is Hayd and this is the first part of the word of Islam. La ilaha ila Allah means none is worthy of worship except Allah and no one else is commanded except Him.
Allah has created many such creatures that we cannot see, to perform the tasks of heaven and earth on time. These are the angels who are busy day and night in carrying out the commands of Allah. There is no power of any kind in them, whatever is there is by the command of Allah, this is the second part of the faith of Islam. The third is that all the messengers of Allah who have come are children and sent by Allah and all of them had the same teaching. After all, the last messenger of the world, our prophet Muhammad, the last of the Prophets, peace be upon him and his companions, has come. The fourth is that the books of Allah that have come down through the knowledge of the Messengers, Torah, Bible, Psalms, Qur'an and others, all of them are true. Fifthly, after death, we will rise again and be presented before God and He will reward us for our deeds. No, five things are the main belief of Islam which a Muslim believes in.