How to get fast Google Adsense Approval in 2022.
There is only one area where Google Adsense is available, Google Adsense pays the most as compared to other final networks, it is the same area of your website. Build WordPress on Blogger, Monetize with Google Adsense, It is very easy to get Google Adsense Approved, Follow Google Adsense guidelines and then 100% you are Google Adsense approved also.
Google Adsense Approval Policy in 2022.
How to get Google Adsense approval Adsense has a lot of new updates in a year, around 8 to 10 updates, if you don't follow it, you will definitely have to face the consequences, and read the terms and conditions of google once, you have to go to google and write there. Google Adsense Policy Policy page will appear.
Google Adsense Policy Change Log.
Here you will see the Locked Access policy changes for October, there is an update inside AIDS, sometime before September, and then in October, if you turn it off, you will continue to see the update in the same way, you will see it Must read update to make it easy for you to understand why you are not approved by Google Adsense and all updates of Adsense are in English, some of my brothers have some problem to understand, I want you to copy it from here Will say, google translate want to translate english to hindi, here i have translated in hindi, now i can approved easily, you have to read this page.
How many posts are required for Google Adsense?
I recommend that you write at least 15 articles of at least 500 words each. 500 words or more is recommended. Also write an article every two to three days. Don't try to fill in more articles on the site in a day. Write it clearly so that people can understand what you have written and what you are talking about.
Write Unique article and fresh content for Google Adsense Approval.
Google always likes to deliver fresh content on its platform. You can ask me how to write fresh, because there is already a lot of material. Just do some Googling or use Quora, and some people often ask a lot of new questions. From there you can write a new article, and writing fresh content is important not only to Google, but to motivate your visitors to read more about your blog. Don't just read more than one article and write content, you can also share your personal experience.
Google Adsense is not Approved from Thin Content.
Condensed content will not only affect your Google Adsense but also your site's ranking in Google, so avoid writing condensed content. If you don't know what is thin content, if you tell you in simple language, thin content is also known as follow page content. If a page has less than 200 words, it is called condensed content or page content with fewer words. You must ensure that each article is at least 300 words. If you have any weak content on your blog, try to fix the text or remove the content and redirect to the homepage.
Don't Published Copy Material on Your Blog Google Adsense Approval not Accepted.
Posting reproduction material is a criminal offense, so will also receive DMCA notices. If your site receives a DMCA notice, you should appeal against it. If you fail, Adsense account will be banned, you will not be able to apply again, and if you have applied to Google Adsense with copied content, they will not accept it until until you delete all copied content.
Google has some restrictions Google doesn't allow all content, so fix the content you're writing Also, if your site is in a low grade, Google Adsense may infringe on others' legal rights (copyright only) will not accept doing so. , pictures, etc.) promotion of alcohol, such as drug related material, pornography, sale of tiger oil, shark fin, ivory, tiger skin, rhinoceros, dolphin oil You acknowledge that the website is supported by Google This is not a trick or a method, but you must know what you are writing, you can get all the details in the Google Adsense forum. So check before proceeding.
About Us Contact UsPrivacy Policy Disclaimer The technical page is mandatory for me, even Google it's the only way Google can identify who you are and what you do You may be asked to add and visit this page, do not add, but I suggest you to add these pages to your blog anyway, so that you will not be rejected by Google Adsense in any way. Navigation related issues are the main issue due to which most of the Google Adsense accounts get rejected. It's more important than anything that Google makes sure your website is fully mobile-friendly. Also, make sure that your site rotates completely from top to bottom when scrolling.
Google Adsense Term of Service.
Google is also constantly changing its online terms of service where you will see AdSense online delivery service, from here you have to select your country, from here I will select India, after selecting all the terms of service read by you , now i already tell you how to read it, i will also give you the link in the description below, if you don't want to do something you will find a lot of videos on Youtube or you can find it from here.
Way did we go today
I hope you have read this article about How to get fast Google Adsense Approval in 2022 and complete information related to Google Adsense in Hindi. I hope you enjoy this article. If you have any questions about this article, please leave a comment.